***Rodeo Fair Queen Information is below the Randolph County Fair Queen Information***
This contest is open to girls between the ages of 0-23 (age the day of pageant), who are residents of Randolph County.
Female contestants must have been born a female and cannot be, or at any time have been, engaged, annulled, divorced, married, pregnant, or have a child.
Any reigning Randolph County Fair Queen, in any age group, who does not conduct herself properly at all times, or who brings unfavorable publicity to herself and the Randolph County Fair, will be required to relinquish her title and return all prizes. In addition, any actions by a fair queen that are deemed inappropriate by the fair board or pageant committee could also result in the relinquishment of her title and all prizes. If there are enough duties left in the year, the 1st runner-up will be crowned queen and fulfill those duties.
If any fair queen is unable to fulfill her duties for any reason, the 1st runner up will be crowned queen and fulfill those duties, if enough are left in the year.
A contestant must have never been convicted of any crime nor have any criminal charges pending.
Age divisions are as follows: Baby Miss. (0-12 months), Teeny Miss (13-23 months), Tiny Miss (2-3 years), Petite Little Miss (4-5 years), Little Miss (6-7 years), Pre-Teen Miss (8-9 years), Teen Miss, (10-11 years), Young Jr Miss (12-13 years), Junior Miss (14-17 years), and Miss (18-23 years). Again, this is the age the day of the pageant. In the Miss division ONLY, a graduated or graduating senior is allowed to move up.
Pageant attire for contestant’s ages 0-3 years is Sunday Best and ALL OTHER AGE DIVISIONS are formal/pageant wear. The Junior Miss and Miss contestants will compete in an interview and introduction.
A previous winner cannot compete in the same age group that they have previously won. Baby Miss-Young Junior Miss must choose if they want to compete the year after they are crowned, only IF they are eligible for a different age division, OR if they want to crown the new winner. The Junior Miss and Senior Miss reigning Queens MUST crown the incoming queen, therefore not competing in the pageant the year after they are crowned.
The Miss and Junior Miss contestants will be required to compete in an interview. The interview will be held on Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 10 am at Pocahontas Elementary School. Attire for the interview should be dress suit, jewelry and shoes of choice (no hats, gloves or purses). This is for contestants only. No cell phones please.
Rehearsal will be Friday, August 2, 2024 at 5:30 at the Pocahontas Elementary School.
Any display of poor sportsmanship and/or unbecoming conduct, any interference and/or disturbance, or any behavioral problem caused by a contestant, parent, relative or supporter of a contestant could result in the disqualification of the contestant. NOT ONLY from this years’ pageant, but from future contests as well.
ALL JUDGES DECISIONS ARE FINAL. No score sheets will be handed out.
Miss and Junior Miss Randolph County Fair will have the option to travel to Little Rock to compete in the State Fair pageant and will be given $100 toward expenses to the state pageant.
We will crown a Queen and 2 alternates.
Queens are asked to ride in the Fair Parade on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 5:00 pm. 1st runner-up is also asked to ride in the parade. We ask that you please dress nicely; you don't have to wear your pageant dress. Don't forget your crown and sash.
Queens are asked to ride in the rodeo on Friday and Saturday nights of the fair. Please wear appropriate clothing (blue jeans and pageant t-shirt are perfect) with your sash and crown.
PUBLIC APPEARANCES: The Miss and Jr. Miss Queens will be required to make a MINIMUM of 5 public appearances each. Please dress in Sunday best/business appropriate clothing, crown and sash. All appearances MUST be approved by the pageant committee.
Entry fee for the contest is $40 if entered on or before August 1st. Entries after will be $50. There will be a Most Photogenic and Best Dressed competition in each age division; entry fee is $10 each. You must enter the beauty pageant to compete in Most Photogenic and Best Dressed. Only 1 photograph per contestant. Pictures should be no larger than 8x10 and no smaller than 5x7. No frames please. Pictures can be black/white or color; professional or snapshots No digitized photos will be accepted. Photographs MUST be submitted on the night of rehearsal.
Contestants will be judged on facial beauty, stage presentation (facial beauty, stage presentation, modeling and personality), and over-all appearance. Miss and Junior Miss contestants will also be judged in interview and introduction.
The fair board, pageant committee, and Pocahontas Elementary School are not responsible for accidents, theft, or injury incurred in route to/from or during the pageant.
The persons crowned Miss and Junior Miss Randolph County will be REQUIRED to sign a contract with the Randolph County Fair Pageant Committee and the Randolph County Fair Board. This contract will be reviewed after crowning.
The Randolph County Fair Foundation and the pageant committee reserve the right to interpret these rules and to amend or add to these rules as their judgment may determine necessary. Any contestant who fails to abide by any of the above rules will be disqualified from the pageant.
Scoring percentages for Junior Miss and Miss will be as follows: Interview 50%, Formal wear 40% and Introduction 10%.
These rules were updated June 6, 2024 to follow the rules set out by the Arkansas State Fair Queen Pageant.
Applications can be picked up in the lobby at Service Abstract & Title, Inc., OR please email to request an entry form. ALL ENTRIES SHOULD BE MAILED TO: Nicole Trublood, 5794 Highway 90 West, Pocahontas, AR 72455. The absolute deadline for entries is August 2nd at rehearsal. If you have any questions, contact Nicole Trublood at 870-844-1287 or Jamie Daniel at 870-378-6862. Text anytime, please hold all phone calls until after 5 pm.
The pageant will begin promptly at 4 pm on Saturday, August 3, 2024 at Pocahontas Elementary School; doors will open to the public at 3 pm. Admission is $5 for ages 6 and up.
Thank you to our 2023 Miss Randolph County Pageant Sponsors!!!
Janna Caldwell
Service Abstract & Title
Posey Patch
Trey Steimel
D&H Contracting
A BIG THANK YOU to Pocahontas School District for use of the MD Williams Gym!
Rodeo Queen Pageant will be put on by Cara Nelson and Louvanna Cartwright
Location: Randolph County Fairgrounds Arena
2204 Thomasville St. Pocahontas, AR 72455
Age divisions:
· Petite Miss: Ages 3-5 (Contestants must not be less than 3 years of age or more than 5 years of age as of September 1 of the current year; Not State Competition Eligible.)
· Little Miss: Ages 6-8 (Contestants must not be less than 5 years of age or more than 8 years of age as of September 1 of the current year.)
· Rodeo Princess: Ages 9-13 (Contestants must not be less than 9 years of age or more than 13 years of age as of September 1 of the current year.)
· Jr. Rodeo Queen: Ages 14-17 (Contestants must not be less than 14 years of age or more than 17 years of age as of September 1 of the current year.)
· Sr. Rodeo Queen: Ages 18-21 (Contestants must not be less than 18 years of age or more than 21 years of age as of September 1 of the current year.)
General Qualifications and Rules:
1.The contestant must be single; never married, pregnant and/or had a child.
2. The contestant must be a female legal resident of Randolph County, Arkansas.
3. The contestant may be amateur or professional. Cannot hold an out of state title.
4. Past Randolph County Fair Queens may compete again, if she is eligible to move up to another age division.
6. Entry constitutes agreement to release Randolph County Fair Association from all liability.
* CHAPERONES Contestant must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or female chaperone appointed by parent/guardian. The chaperone must be present at registration and remain with the contestant throughout the contest.
* HORSES Arkansas horses must be accompanied by the original report of negative EIA test within 12 months prior to exhibition. Horses from out of state require the original report of negative EIA test within 12 months. Photocopies are not acceptable.
* DRESS REQUIREMENTS Each contestant should come prepared with WESTERN ATTIRE for the event, including an interview session, pageant walk on stage, and Horsemanship competition (contestants can wear their choice of long sleeve western attire and jeans). Hats are required during all phases of the competition, including the interview. Chaps are not allowed. ***(Full western attire MUST be worn by accompaniment, who are allowed to assist the contestants in ONLY the Petite Miss and Division.)
* ENTRY FORMS Entry Forms will be available on the RCF website ( ) or upon request from the organizers. Completed Entry Forms may be sent to Cara Nelson at or at the 4H County Extension Office. We recommend that entries are submitted at your earliest convenience but must be submitted no later than August 18, 2024. There is a $25 entry fee, that must be paid when the entry form is submitted. Cash pay or make checks payable to: Randolph County Rodeo Queen Pageant. We do ask that you submit a headshot with your entry. The contestant must be wearing a hat; however, these photos do not have to be professional headshots.
*HORSEMANSHIP The Horsemanship portion of the competition will consist of an age appropriate pattern. The patterns will be posted on the RCF website or may be requested from the organizers.
*There will be a Queen run at the end of horsemanship (Jr. & Sr. Rodeo Queens only). This will be judged.
Patterns & Guides for Rodeo Queen Contestants
Practice date for the courses is August 23 at 6:30 pm!